Financial Accounts group your income and expenses so you can track and report your cash flow. You can think of these as different bank accounts. If you're a small business owner, you might have an operating and a savings account. Or perhaps you're running more complicated operation with many different bank accounts for different business units.
Starting Balance is the initial amount in a Financial Account.
Categories are used to organize your transactions. Categories apply to all transactions, regardless of financial accounts, clients or projects.
Companies are people that pay you.
Projects belong to Companies. A single Company could have many projects, but you can’t have a Project that doesn’t have a Company.
Cash Flow table shows you when your money moves across a certain date range.
Cash on hand is your remaining balance, after taking your starting balance across all accounts, subtracting expenses, and then adding income.
Income & Expenses Reports are three views of your transactions according to the way you’ve organized them (Overall Income & Expenses, and by Categories, and by Clients).
Users are the people you give access to your Pulse account. You can have more than one user with access to your Pulse account, and the capabilities of each user depend on the role you assign to them.